Please have all guests arrive 15 minutes early.
Bowling begins at the scheduled time of the party.
Only cake, cupcakes and ice cream cakes may be brought into the Orleans Bowling Center and only at the time of your event.
We offer automatic bumpers to each individual bowler.
We also offer rolling ramps too small children or special needs individuals
We will do our best to help supervise your party, parental supervision is a must. There are several areas in our facility where a child could be hurt.
Gratuities are accepted but not required.
When you book your party, you are holding a time slot on our calendar that is no longer available to our other patrons. In order to be respectful of your fellow neighbour’s, please cancel as soon as you know you will not be attending.
A full refund is available up to 48 hours prior your party.
No Refund within 48 hours of your party.

Frequently Ask Questions​​
What food can I bring in?
​You are allowed to bring in a birthday cake only!
My child has food allergies​?
We cannot guarantee that our food is free of allergens.
Party pack #1 has no food besides a veggie tray​.
If you want to offer food to your guest by taking Party Pack #2 or #3, then you can only bring something to eat for the child with allergies.
Can I bring in a Piñata?
Unfortunately, we do not allow Piñatas.
Can I bring my own Party Supplies in?
Yes, if you have a special theme, but we also provide tableware.
Nothing can be attached to the walls or windows.
Only painters tape can be used to affix decoration to the chairs or tables.
Do I get a discount if I bring in my own supplies?
While we welcome parents to bring in their own supplies if they like, no discounts will be applied to the bill if the parent decides not to use the supplies offered by Orleans Bowling
How long is the bowling portion?
Bowling lasts for 1 hour. Plus 45 minutes in the private party room
Can we bowl for more than 1 hour and how much would it cost?
Due to the scheduling of our parties and other events, extra time will not be available on the designated lanes for "your" party, but if lanes are available anywhere else in the center after the completion of your party, then you are more than welcome to do so at our regular bowling pricing.
How many children to a lane?
We place a maximum of 6 bowlers to a lane.
If I choose the Pizza Party, how many slices does that include?
The pizza party includes 1 slice of pizza, and a soda for each child.